05 Jun 2024


Landlord Management System

Landlord Management System
One of the critical success factors in any tower operations is managing the Landlord relationship. SSTL based on the vast experience of dealing with 100,000+ landlords and across countries offers an end-to-end solution with seamless integration into the customer enterprise to ensure a feature rich “Lead to Cash” success story.
With the advent of 5G technologies and the need to cater to the ever-growing list of mobile connections, the number of Sites and the number of Landlords to be made of the part of the Tower Operator Eco System is bound to grow exponentially.

Time to Market:
Landlord Management system enables the onboarding of Landlords onto the system cutting short the lead times and provides a platform for the entire process of Landlord onboarding seamless and swift.
Comprehensive System:
The ability to capture landlord profile, Map the site details, capture, and store the Agreements, compute and provide inputs to the system very comprehensive in terms of Revenue Assurance and traceability. The system has inbuilt capability to both B2B and B2C operations.
Controls and convenience:
System has built in several controls in terms in terms of workflows to flow every entity through a series of reviews and approval process involving all the entities involved in the Landlord Management system with a clear view of data on the screen with the artifacts in tow for real time validation. The number of times the document can traverse across the various approval layers is not restricted. The history captured and displayed during the approval cycle helps Management to improve the process and reduce the number of cycles of approval greatly.
LMS has used standard technical adaptors which makes it very easy to integrate into the enterprise system easily and seamlessly. Audit controls are built in to be able to trace every transaction.
Single monolithic solution with an inbuilt expansive Unified portal solution to provide the same view across the entities to the various stakeholders with the information as needed.
The platform integrates with the customer enterprise using the Access control mechanism with centralization Authentication and Authorization system. The system is validated against SOC 2 requirements and complies to the same.
Ease of Use:
The system uses the latest technologies to provide both list and map view of sites. Application has in built ability to search and filter on data to reduce the manual effort.
Information Warehouse:
The ability to capture Site information such as Engineering drawing, Agreements, Landlord documents such Unique National Identity documents, Land records, Property documents, Bank data, Tax information and store them centrally make LMS a complete system. The documents are digitized, compressed, and can be stored in multiple formats on the DMS.
Trouble Ticket to Resolution:
LMS comes with inbuilt Trouble ticketing system with access to landlord for real time issue tracking and the internal users of the Towerco, a platform with the ability to capture and resolve issues. This also acts as a storehouse for building a complete Knowledge management system and using current state of the art of AI/ML to enhance Self-help to reduce costs and increase satisfaction across the various stockholders.
Early alert mechanism:
System has inbuilt notification system to alert upcoming renewals of agreements, rent escalations, overdue payments which enable the Operators to be agile and be in control of Landlord Business operations.
Flexibility of Billing:
The system is configurable to compute and handle invoices pertaining to multiple elements of Rental, Electricity, Security, Maintenance, and any other parameter which can be a cost element to be billed between Landlords and TowerCom.
Business Intelligence:
The platform provides multiple reports depicting facts and dimensions of the landlord operational process to the Tower companies to enable plan and forecast the business entities. Landlord Management system reduces cycle time for landlord acquisition, minimizes management and operational teams’ effort in onboarding the landlords onto the system. creating the Landlord. The mobile app provides the landlord the ability to update their profile keep track of the invoice status and raise issues on the move providing a happy experience.

In short, the Landlords Management System offered by SSTL is a next generation comprehensive and automated solution to manage the huge piles of documentation and information involved in the management of landlords and sites in the most efficient way in optimizing cycle time and budget.

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